Valhallan 1212th reformed
The Valhallan 1212th reformed
The 1212th is a Valhallan regiment raised during the Eastlight Nebula Wars. During their time on Bellarb they have proven their worth in battle and fought with honour. The Colonel of the 1212th is Chernov Vensk. He is still alive and leading one of the remaining groups of Valhallans on skeras. The 1212th still have most of their artillery units and loads of infantry alive.
1st Company
The 1st Company is currently under command by Colonel Chernov Vensk himself. They are the main remaning force of valhallans left on skeras.
The 1st Company are still close to the necron pylon and have lost connection with the rest of the imperium.
2nd Company
The 2nd Company is currently under command by Major Dorff Skolov.
They are still at Hama gate and have lost connection with the rest of the imperium.
3rd Armoured company
The smallest of the 3 remaning Valhallan groups are the 3rd Armoured Company. the 3rd are under command by Tank commander Major Borys Varence. They contain for the most part only vehicles. They have lost connection with the rest of the imperium and are pretty close to the capital In the 1212th logistics HQ.
Chain of command
Chain of command in 1st Company
1st in command: Colonel Chernov vensk
2nd in command: Company commander: Trevinska Borys
3rd in command: Platoon commander: Smirnek Morazev
4th in command: Platoon commander: Rynsk Gorska
5th in command: Platoon commander: Nyska Skarrsen
( Other important people: Sergeant Kezlov promoted to kasrkin after heroic actions )
( And Scion task force connected to 1st Company )
Scion Chain of command
1st in command: Tempestor prime Ador
Chain of command in 2nd Company
1st in command: Major Dorff Skolov
2nd in command: Company commander: Pavlek Stepanovicz
3rd in command: Platoon commander: Nikoli Orlakev
4th in command: Platoon commander: Volko Lebesnev
5th in command: Platoon commander: Smirnek Kleiss
Chain of command in 3rd Armoured Company
1st in command: Tank commander: Borys Varence
2nd in command: Captain Hapscheldt Vorn
3rd in command: Lieutenant Gorska Skarrsen
Abilities and enchants
Colonel Vensk
Grand strategist (+1 order)
Acceptable losses (The squad he is leading can fire into melee but 1s hit your own soldiers)
Volley fire (The squad he is leading gets rapid fire +1 if they remained stationary
Major Skolov
Sergeant Kezlov
Fearless ( Improve Ld in this squad by 1 )
Viscious trap ( Once per battle when this squad is getting charged they can roll a die. On 1 nothing happends, on 2-5 the enemy takes d3 mortal wounds and on 6 the enemy takes 3 mortal wounds.)
Sergeant Olof
The hate of vensk ( When vensk gives on order to this unit that order only works on 4+ )
Relentless advance ( If this squad has moved towards any enemy models this turn they gain stealth )